Easter Sunday – 7 am and 9:30 am

Sunday, April 17 @ 7:00 am: Easter Sunrise Service - outside in the church yard, we will celebrate the empty tomb and our risen Savior with a brief in-person service of the resurrection.  Sunday, April 17 @ 9:30 am: Easter Sunday hybrid worship service: Join us in the sanctuary at 251 Windsor River Road or online at Zoom as we … [Read more...]


a sermon on Acts 4: 32-35 Acts is generally a story of early heroes of the Christian Church: Peter, of course, and Paul.  Stephen in his martyrdom, Barnabbas and Silas in their assistance, Dorcas in her charity, Lydia in her belief and her sponsorship.  But before we get to the superheroes, we get a glimpse of the everyday people: “and … [Read more...]