Sermons & Musings from Rev. Mary Beene

Rev. Mary Beene has served at Windsor Presbyterian Church since February 2020.

Prior to that she founded a spiritual direction practice Openings: Let the Spirit In in Savannah, GA.  She continues her work as a spiritual director as well as pastor, and speaks and leads retreats as she can.

In addition to an M.Div from Boston University School of Theology, Rev. Beene has an M.P. A. in Organizational Development from American University in Washington, DC. She is also trained in spiritual direction by The Shalem Institute in Washington, DC and is a Georgia Certified Civil Mediator. Her special interests include the connection between God’s creation and spirituality, creative prayer practices and spiritual writing and autobiography.

She lives in Windsor with her husband, Eric, and son, Isaac.


A sermon on John 12: 20-33 In today’s scripture I could not escape the notion that God was sharing this scripture for one line: “Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”  I knew going into Holy week starting next Sunday we might need … [Read more...]


A sermon on John 3: 14-21 John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world” may be the most famous passage in Scripture.  And as much as I need to know that God loves not just me, but the whole world; and as much as it is a joy to know that Jesus brings eternal life – I can’t help but be a John 3:17 kind of Christian instead.  “Indeed, God … [Read more...]


a sermon on John 2: 13-22 The fact is, money is important.  I may not like it.  I may work to better manage it so it’s more equalizing.  I may shake my fist at the blatant acts of greed and dishonesty around it in this country.  But when I was applying to my earliest jobs in non-profit fundraising my cover letter always … [Read more...]


A sermon from Mark 8: 31-38 I think most of us, most of the time are o.k. with a faith that doesn’t ask anything of us, or maybe asks us to stretch a little one way or the other – but not too much.  After almost a year of COVID and crazy politics, and general weirdness in the world, we’d like an easier Scripture passage for February 28, … [Read more...]


A sermon on Mark 1: 12-13 "Jesus walked that Lonesome Valley – He had to walk it by himself, Oh nobody else, could walk it for him – he had to walk it by himself." I love this song despite its melancholy story – we’ve been in that place of loneliness, knowing that we’re carrying it all by ourselves.  For some that’s how this past year has … [Read more...]


A sermon on Mark 9: 2-9 It’s pretty easy to say Jesus is the Messiah, to join the church affirming he’s my Lord and Savior.  But there sure are a lot of reasons to wonder if that confession makes any difference outside of our little church world.  The Lord and Savior isn’t getting me an appointment for my COVID vaccine.  That Messiah sure is … [Read more...]

Proclaiming the Message

A sermon from Mark 1: 29-39 The last thing I want to do after I’ve been sick in bed with a fever is stand up and start making breakfast for a dozen hungry men.  The last thing I want to when I’m interrupted on my prayer retreat is hit the ministry road again.But sometimes, it seems, we’re called to do the last things we want to do in the service … [Read more...]

It Takes A Whole Village

A sermon from Psalm 111 We celebrated Appreciation Sunday at Windsor Presbyterian Church on January 31st, celebrating all the people who have worked so hard in front of and behind the screens to keep us open -- maybe our building has been empty on Sunday morning, but the Spirit is hard at work all through the week. Psalm 111 and 112 lie … [Read more...]

The Time is Fulfilled

A sermon based on Mark 1: 14-20 Do you think Simon Peter and Andrew, James and John really just met Jesus for the first time and were ready to leave, immediately, on an adventure of discipleship. That's how we're generally taught this story of their calling in Sunday School, but many scholars believe it more likely that these disciples already … [Read more...]


A sermon based on Mark 1: 4-11 Do you remember your baptism?  Do you have a baptism story?  Does it end with a dove descending or a voice from the heavens?  Mark is in way too much of a hurry to spend time telling a big story about Jesus’ baptism.  Matthew and Luke go into far more detail.  Even John has more lines to the story, telling it … [Read more...]