Sermons & Musings from Rev. Mary Beene

Rev. Mary Beene has served at Windsor Presbyterian Church since February 2020.

Prior to that she founded a spiritual direction practice Openings: Let the Spirit In in Savannah, GA.  She continues her work as a spiritual director as well as pastor, and speaks and leads retreats as she can.

In addition to an M.Div from Boston University School of Theology, Rev. Beene has an M.P. A. in Organizational Development from American University in Washington, DC. She is also trained in spiritual direction by The Shalem Institute in Washington, DC and is a Georgia Certified Civil Mediator. Her special interests include the connection between God’s creation and spirituality, creative prayer practices and spiritual writing and autobiography.

She lives in Windsor with her husband, Eric, and son, Isaac.

Who Touched Me

A sermon on Mark 5: 24b - 34 There’s just something magical, healing and right about being able to touch appropriately – a hug from our child, holding hands with a spouse, a kiss on the top of a baby’s head.  We can certainly after the past year appreciate when a touch is good, and we can ask for that kind of healing touch from Jesus. But … [Read more...]

Who is This?

A sermon on Mark 4: 35-41 The One who was there as the world was created, there at the moment we were born, there at every moment of our lives, this one so beyond who we are cares.  And yes, God cares when we are perishing, and when it only seems like we are in danger.  God cares when we are tired, and afraid, and … [Read more...]

Just Say It

A sermon on Mark 4: 26-34 My favorite books are fantasy novels – take me on an adventure.  Teach me about this world by showing me something so far beyond this world that it all seems like magic. Jesus doesn’t really go in that direction.  He tells his stories about things the members of his audience might relate to, farming, sheep, baking … [Read more...]

It Burns

A Sermon on Isaiah 6: 1-8 There’s a lot of debate out in the world about heaven and hell.  Strict Bible literalists will say there must be a hell, why else would the Bible speak of a place of burning and gnashing of teeth.  I myself am a big proponent that much of the Bible is metaphor or at least visionary language since the ancient … [Read more...]

A Word from Rev. Anitra Kitts

Our wonderful friend and former choir director preached for us all the way from Germany. Say what you want about zoom worship; it allows for some wonderful connections. Thank you, Anitra. To view full sermon, click here. … [Read more...]

A Word from Rev. Eric Beene

The name might seem familiar -- my husband preached for me while I was at a prayer retreat. Thank you, Eric. To see this sermon click here. … [Read more...]

God’s Children

1 John 3: 1-3 "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God." This passage is always lifted up lovingly in Sunday School classes. Isn't it so comforting and happy. Except that I'm not always sure we want to be called children of anyone most of the time. Certainly I did not in my early 20s, after … [Read more...]


a sermon on Acts 4: 32-35 Acts is generally a story of early heroes of the Christian Church: Peter, of course, and Paul.  Stephen in his martyrdom, Barnabbas and Silas in their assistance, Dorcas in her charity, Lydia in her belief and her sponsorship.  But before we get to the superheroes, we get a glimpse of the everyday people: “and … [Read more...]

Stick It Out

An Easter sermon on John 20: 1-18 The whole story today is a bit like a big cosmic game of “Where’s Jesus?”  From the time Mary Magdalene and the other women arrived at the tomb that morning and found it empty, the whole cast of characters (angels exempted, of course) were asking the question, “Where’s Jesus?” Through the whole story Mary is … [Read more...]

Already Late

A sermon on Mark 11: 1-11 and Philippians 2: 5-11 The Windsor Presbyterian Church Bible Study group the past five weeks has been exploring some of the ways that authoritarianism has become a major part of Christian history and theology over the past 2000 years – and how that affects how people see Jesus.  Authoritarianism is a form of social or … [Read more...]