An Easter sermon on Luke 24: 1-12
God had big plans for Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James and the other women who went to Jesus’ tomb one dark morning millennia ago. They were the messengers! They were the first to learn of Jesus’ resurrection – they were tasked to tell the news to all the world – they went running back to tell everyone the amazingly wonderful thing that had happened – Christ is risen – Christ is risen indeed – not that anyone paid attention to them.
Like so many who spread God’s word, they were pretty much ignored. Peter had to go see for himself — not necessarily because he believed them -maybe just to “prove” them wrong.
You might feel ignored when you try to tell people about Jesus, but don’t be discouraged. God will go to pretty tremendous lengths to get the word out. We are the messengers to a world that really needs to hear the message of Jesus right now.
To hear the whole sermon, click here.