Still Storming

A sermon on John 6: 14-21

There’s a promise we have from Jesus as we set off across what is sure to be stormy journeys, we wonder how will we ever do it alone.  Jesus, how will you get there with us – you aren’t in our boat and we’re very afraid.  But Jesus is promising – just go ahead, don’t worry.  God will take care of this.  And somehow, that’s what we have to trust.

Frankly, the disciples don’t get very far on the stormy sea without Jesus – just 3-4 miles, fighting against the wind, the waves, probably each other.  But all too often that’s what we have to try first – I can do it Jesus. I don’t need you.  I can handle this.  Whether it’s because we’re prideful, or scared to look weak, or overconfident and stupid, we’re pretty sure we don’t need God.  You rest Jesus, I’ve got this – we’re famous for doing this even if we don’t say it out loud.  Only to realize before too long, that we don’t “got this” and we’re in way over our head and the boat is hardly going anywhere and besides that we’re all fighting over what to do about it because we can’t even agree about wearing masks or getting vaccinated or staying home when we’re sick as the storm swirls around us.

Jesus has performed miracle after miracle for us – not only this past year, but all through our lives.  We have been healed.  We have been fed.  There’s probably even been some water turned into wine for us along the way, whatever that might look like for us.  So in the midst of the storm, look out and see if he isn’t walking on water right beside us, just waiting for us to invite him —to invite God – into the boat, so that maybe, just maybe we can spend a little time not being so afraid.

To hear the rest of this sermon, click here.