The Dirty Work of Soul Healing

A sermon on Luke 8: 40-42 & 49-56 Those of you in the medical field know that healing bodies can be dirty work -- so many bodily fluids, ick! But it turns out healing our souls can be hard work too. It requires connection, and that connection means feeling other people's pain and problems too. The Bible shares many stories of Jesus … [Read more...]

Healing the Body

A monologue sermon on Luke 8: 42-48 In this Bible story, Jesus heals a woman who has been sick for 12 years. But maybe it is more accurate to say that this woman healed herself by reaching out for Jesus. Here is a fictional monologue about how that healing might have affected her life. Watch Here. … [Read more...]

Help Us Feed Our Neighbors

300+ people get free healthy food at the Windsor Presbyterian Church Food Pantry each week. Our clients choose their own food in a Farmer’s Market-style setting, selecting items that match their lifestyle, nutritional needs and taste preferences. We can’t do it without the help of our Windsor community. Can you volunteer to help?  … [Read more...]

Healing the Body

A monologue on Luke 8: 42b - 48 Click here to see Pastor Mary offering a monologue from the woman who touched Jesus' cloak and was healed after 12 years of illness. … [Read more...]

Some Stories about our Church

For our Pentecost Sunday Birthday Party, we invited people in the congregation to share some stories about what brought them to Windsor Presbyterian Church and when they had seen the Holy Spirit moving in our lives together. Enjoy these holy reminiscences. Watch Here … [Read more...]

Come & Stay

Acts 16: 9-15 The big news in this story of Lydia? That it is a story about Lydia -- a woman in a world here women were rarely named and even more rarely named as business owners and heads of households. Paul spoke on the Sabbath to women outside the city gates -- and her heart was opened. Who are the "women" of our society -- the people who … [Read more...]


A sermon on Acts 9: 36-43 I’ve been weighed down this week by some pretty heavy conversations about death.  I talked to someone who is afraid that her own life may be in danger from disease.  I spoke with several people about loved ones who are close to death, and another person who has an elderly family member they struggle to love who may be … [Read more...]

Who, me?

A sermon on Acts 9: 1-20 Most people want to make Saul the hero of this story. After all, he turns from being a wicked persecutor to a champion for Jesus in the end. But I always want to lift up Ananias, who goes to help Saul, at risk to his own life, just because a voice from heaven told him to. Do some of the things Jesus asks you to do … [Read more...]

Obeying God

A sermon on Acts 5: 27-39 So after worship this Sunday, one of our regulars said that this was the closest to a "fire and brimstone" sermon he'd ever heard me preach - and he liked it! Wow! And all I said was that one of our responsibilities when we choose to follow Jesus is radical obedience - even when it's hard. Yep, I guess that's pretty … [Read more...]

Who’s the Messenger?

An Easter sermon on Luke 24: 1-12 God had big plans for Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James and the other women who went to Jesus’ tomb one dark morning millennia ago.   They were the messengers!  They were the first to learn of Jesus’ resurrection – they were tasked to tell the news to all the world – they went running back … [Read more...]