1 John 3: 1-3 "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God." This passage is always lifted up lovingly in Sunday School classes. Isn't it so comforting and happy. Except that I'm not always sure we want to be called children of anyone most of the time. Certainly I did not in my early 20s, after … [Read more...]
Church RE-Opening Soon
Church leaders voted to reopen for hybrid worship on June 20th (as long as the numerical restrictions in California are lifted June 15th as planned). Thanks for sharing your opinion in our worship poll, which said most people (69%) prefer to wait until June for a full hybrid service. Your responses helped us make the decision on how to … [Read more...]
New Bible Study on Prayer
We will begin Zoom Bible Study again on May 5th at 5 pm with a study on Prayer: Why and How? We will be using a book from Companions in Christ called Deepening Our Prayer by Adele J. Gonzales, which can be purchased from Amazon for $8 here. (You will not need the book, but might enjoy having your own copy). This study will be … [Read more...]
Mask Up Windsor
We're so close to not having to wear a mask everywhere we go, but we're not there yet! And so many people have found them useful during flu season as well. The Windsor Chamber of Commerce and Windsor Presbyterian Church is a PROUD SPONSOR of MASK UP WINDSOR. For every HALOmask order placed through their website, a local … [Read more...]
a sermon on Acts 4: 32-35 Acts is generally a story of early heroes of the Christian Church: Peter, of course, and Paul. Stephen in his martyrdom, Barnabbas and Silas in their assistance, Dorcas in her charity, Lydia in her belief and her sponsorship. But before we get to the superheroes, we get a glimpse of the everyday people: “and … [Read more...]
Stick It Out
An Easter sermon on John 20: 1-18 The whole story today is a bit like a big cosmic game of “Where’s Jesus?” From the time Mary Magdalene and the other women arrived at the tomb that morning and found it empty, the whole cast of characters (angels exempted, of course) were asking the question, “Where’s Jesus?” Through the whole story Mary is … [Read more...]
A sermon on John 12: 20-33 In today’s scripture I could not escape the notion that God was sharing this scripture for one line: “Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” I knew going into Holy week starting next Sunday we might need … [Read more...]
A sermon on John 3: 14-21 John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world” may be the most famous passage in Scripture. And as much as I need to know that God loves not just me, but the whole world; and as much as it is a joy to know that Jesus brings eternal life – I can’t help but be a John 3:17 kind of Christian instead. “Indeed, God … [Read more...]
Holy Week at WPC
Thursday and Friday Zoom Services Link: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85340209908?pwd=WnRQbUZWaE1JclM2SmVXY0NFNWMzZz09 Meeting ID: 853 4020 9908 Passcode: 0000 Dial by your location: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Thursday, April 1 @ 5:30 pm: Maundy Thursday – we will look at the events of Jesus’ … [Read more...]