Lent 2021 – From Sunset to Sunrise

Lent is a season of prayer, but prayer is not something you merely say using words.  Prayer can engage our whole body, spirit and mind. So this year, as we explore the darkness of Lent from sunset to sunrise, we will integrate more active prayer into our regular worship services, as well as offer three “prayershops” (workshops on prayer) and three check-in and prayer meditations after Sunday worship February 21st – March 28th.  Each Sunday morning, we will stay on the worship Zoom link and transition after a short time of fellowship.  Each session can be stand-alone, or you can join in all six to deepen your experience of Lent this year. 

Pick up your bag of Lenten supplies at Mardi Gras Sunday!
The worship, celebrations, and spiritual development committees have created bags with items to be used throughout the season of Lent to prepare our hearts for Easter.  You’ll find a Lenten devotional and journal, charcoal for Ash Wednesday, watercolors and craft paper for our first Prayershop, even Easter Sunday craft supplies.  Please let Pastor Mary or Kris Shear know ASAP if you need your kit to be delivered.