The holiday season is a time for family and joy for many in our community, but others struggle with loneliness, grief, even anger as Christmas and other traditional holidays approach. This year Windsor Presbyterian Church will host a “Blue Christmas” service on Saturday, December 4 at 5:30 pm for community members who need contemplative space to prepare for the season.
This will be a service of quiet meditation, candle lighting, and shared hope. “Everyone is expected to be excited and constantly happy during this season, but some people are sad, grieving, or just want a break from the hustle and bustle,” explains church pastor, Mary Beene. This service can be a low-key gathering for those who feel lonely or a respite for those who are tired.
After the service, the church will host a second labyrinth walk after that service from about 6:15 – 7:30 pm. Lighted bags will set aglow a special path of meditation and prayer. Walking the labyrinth involves tracing a path that leads to the center of an intricate design and then following the path back out again. Unlike a maze, the labyrinth only has one path.
“There are no wrong turns, and each person experiences the time in their own way,” assures Beene, a trained spiritual director who often works with groups and individuals using the labyrinth. Last year, in the first labyrinth on this spot, all ages were able to walk including a father and son and grandparents.
Including luminaries in the design brings a little light into the darkness of December and reminds some people of celebrations when neighborhoods lined their streets with bags and candles. “Our labyrinth luminaries will be lit with electric candles to avoid any fire danger,” confirm church organizers.
Windsor Presbyterian Church is the old yellow church, located just off the Windsor Town Green at 251 Windsor River Road, Windsor, CA 95492.