We appreciate contributions of non-perishable food anytime, perishable food with pre-arrangement, paper towels, empty 12- or 6- cardboard egg cartons or monetary donations to help offset expenses. There is a marked location alongside of the Pantry building (rolling black cart) for food donations.
Check out our latest volunteer info here.
Food Pantry
Join us for Food Distribution 8:30AM-10:00AM on Tuesdays and select items from our Farmer’s Market set-up that fit your lifestyle, dietary requirements and taste preferences. There are no residency or age requirements. No cost, it’s free. We work hard to offer a balance of nutritious, fresh and interesting food each week.
Our generous donors include:
- Redwood Empire Food Bank
- Town of Windsor
- Presbytery of the Redwoods Hunger Task Force
- Oliver’s Market
- Community Foundation of Sonoma County
- Raley’s
- Safeway
- Windsor Kiwanis
- Windsor Chamber of Commerce
- Windsor Lion’s Club
- Windsor Grange
- Windsor Rotary
- Costeaux French Bakery
- Farm to Pantry (gleaners)
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- food drives organized by Windsor Presbyterian Church congregation, Kiwanis, Oak Tree Winery
We now serve over 120 households each week and it all started in 2013 with a few loaves of bread offered at the front of the church.
We have volunteer opportunities throughout the week!
Food Pantry Sundays
On the first Sunday of the month, churchgoers are invited to bring a non-perishable food item to share with the Food Pantry. Most helpful for those struggling with food insecurity is some sort of protein, such as peanut butter, canned tuna or beans.
Cents-ability Sundays
On the fourth Sunday of each month, we receive our Cents-ability Offering during worship. This money supports our pantry as well as other hunger programs in Northern California.